UNIFLEX Wireless Management System
With the UWMS (Uniflex Wireless Management System), you can store the article data on a server and always update all additions. Via the Internet, your customers can then download an app to their smartphone or tablet and then send the press order directly to the tube press via Bluetooth. Then all they have to do is insert the appropriate press dies and they can start pressing straight away. After the pressing process, the press and measurement data are automatically sent back to your server or tablet via Bluetooth and then via the Internet, including the date, time, or even a serial number of your pressing.

Article data
Via the Internet you can get the article data for crimping a hose assembly.

Data transfer
If you download the data from the server via the Internet or app, you can now send this information to the press via Bluetooth.

Pressing process
The press now starts to press on the basis of the available information.

Data transfer
After pressing, the data including the pressing result (pressure, caliper…) is automatically sent back to the smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth.

The data is then sent back via the Internet.
With up-to-date press data, you can bring your customers up to date at all times.
Retrieve all the data of the hydraulic press you have installed (number of pressings, details of what was pressed, plus the data recorded during the pressing operation).
By entering a serial number, you can create a stable tracing system and a reorder system.
Evaluate your markets (what you sell and where).